Upcoming Nexus Tablets

Most tablets and smart phones are powered by Google's open source android operating system these days;even the Nook HD and Kindle Fire HD are.But the Nexus Brandies reserved for Google's best Android devices.made in partnership with select manufacturers and designed to be "Pure Google".They use Google play as their app market,instead of Barnes and Noble's or Amazon's smaller selections,and they have lighter and learner home screens and receive frequent feature updates.
Right now,the Nexus 7 is Google's flagship tablets.Report are coming in about a new Nexus tablet which may be about the size of iPad ,as well as up-grated and redesigned version of the Nexus 7.

The 10-Inch Tab
according to BGR News,Google recently placed an order for a large number of tablets screens which could be used in making a 10.1-inch device,with a screen that's a tiny bit larger than the iPad's 9.7 inch one.Meanwhile,The Week looks at insider exclusives and analysts' remarks published by CNET,which claim that the 10-inch tablets will "be a high-end device" with a screen even sharper than the iPad's Retina Display.
if the reports are true, it will be made by Samsung, the Korean tech giant known for its popular Galaxy S series of smartphones and (much less popular) Galaxy Tab tablets.Samsung has already worked with Google to produce two Nexus phones, the Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus. No 10-inch tablet has put even a dent in the iPad's sales figures yet, but the Nexus7 had a surprisingly strong showing for an "Android tablets" and not a Nook or kindle device.Google may believe that now is the time to tackle the iPad head-on.


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